Sunday, August 5, 2012

Astle 2012 Reunion

This year's reunion was done by the Schwab family.  It was a very fitting "Olympic" theme and a whole lot of FUN!!  There were lots of opportunities to earn coveted Olympic medals, and it was pretty great to see everyone doing their best in the different events.  Below are just a few snapshots of the games...

Deb, our faithful host, scorekeeper, announcer, judge, and medal awarder.

Some serious paddle ball competition  

 Working the yo-yo's...

Taking their shot at  'Around-the-World' basketball...

Jumping fiends...

Finally ending it all so exhausted, even the cement floor in the kitchen seemed like a good place to lay down and crash :)

Schwab family for fun times, great food, and a whole lot of memories!!
(We would love to see any pictures you guys have of the reunion as well.  Feel free to share them with all of us!)

Ron and Kristin

Thought you guys would enjoy a few snapshots from when Ron and Kristin passed through :)



We love you Ron and Kristin!  We're glad you were able to stop on by so week could see you.  Best of luck in Indiana!!

New Blog

Well, here you go everybody!  Here is the start of the new Elmo Astle Family blog.  I've done my part. So hopefully you guys all get to me your family's birthdays and your email addresses, which is your part.  Feel free to post on here, upload family photos, and keep us all posted on what is going on.  Feel free to give me any feedback and input on how and what you would like with this blog. We love you all and look forward to seeing you tonight at Gary and Dawn's for the Astle family dinner!